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Five Ways Business Can Give Back


No longer is business defined purely by how much you make, with businesses working to be the best for the world rather than just the best in the world becoming more prevalent. With the myriad of options we at the Father James Grant Foundation are noticing across business in Melbourne and greater Australia, we thought we’d list five of the best ways to share the profitable love…without breaking the bank.



There are a veritable bevy of great causes to get behind, and just a glance at an awareness day calendar reveals how many. Whether you choose to support breast cancer awareness, Legacy, or multiple sclerosis research there are ample opportunities for your organisation to give back to your community and raise funds through dress down days, dress up days, alcohol abstinence months or walkathons.



Arguably, supporting initiatives that foster the younger generation is one of the best ways to invest not only in the future of your local community, but the future of the nation, and this doesn’t have to involve gold coin donations from staff.

Instead, look to the culture of your company and lead by example, setting up traineeships or mentoring programs that empower the youth of your local community. The skills that you help impart today guarantee the skills of a new generation entering the workforce and go a long way to ensuring up the future of Australia.

You can find more ways to get involved in our innovative training and mentoring programs here.



An exciting avenue for businesses to become involved with the Father James Grant Foundation? Sponsorship. Financially sponsoring one of our youth through the program means joining them throughout their journey, with sponsors encouraged to be involved in the youth’s development, offering guidance and mentorship along the way through weekly catch-ups, lunches and other various communications. Get in touch with the foundation to learn more about sponsorships.

Youth sports sponsorship is another great way to foster the team spirit and health of today’s youth, encouraging young people to get outdoors and active. It’s also a great way to promote your company on team t-shirts and banners at local stadiums. And who knows where the sporting star of tomorrow will emerge from?



As education provides the foundation for life and a career, why not set up a scholarship fund or donate to your local school to provide much-needed equipment? Schools are always in need of items that go beyond the basic curriculum and requirements. Meanwhile a scholarship fund for primary school, high school or university, can set up a young person for life.



Whether it’s playground equipment, sleeping bags for the homeless or an essential piece of equipment for the local hospital, cash or item donations from business go a long way. On the flip-side they’re a great way to generate publicity, but in more altruistic terms they allow your workforce to feel they’re contributing to something greater and making a difference.

Sponsorships, donations or mentoring, however you choose to give back to your community, simple actions go a long way to improving the morale of your workforce and are a great way of thanking the customers who support you. Ask us how we can help you do just that.

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