Is a career change on the cards? Most people will readily admit when the alarm goes off on Monday and another work week looms, they’d rather hit snooze, roll over and do something else with their day. But when that Monday morning slump extends to daily workday dread, it’s time to make a change.
Here are five signs you might need a career change and how you go about it.
You feel uninspired
Sure, work pays the bills, but it doesn’t involve selling your soul. While every young worker has to put in some hard yards to notch up workplace skills, that doesn’t mean you have to feel trapped in your job, undervalued and uninspired.
Even first jobs can have the added potential of taking you somewhere greater, so find a job in the industry you enjoy and gain those skills in the knowledge they lead somewhere better.
If you’re unsure what industries may suit, the Father James Grant Foundation offers programs to unearth your passion and the pathways to reach it – a career change isn’t as difficult as you think.
You feel unsuited
Are you half way through a degree or undertaking an apprenticeship and feel you have made the wrong choice? You’re not alone.
In a story by the ABC’s Life Matters last year statistics revealed a third of school leavers are “very uncertain” about the course or career choice they’ve made, and one in five university students will either drop out or change courses during their first year.
The key is knowing whether this uncertainty is initial jitters or full judders that should see you choose another path. Either way, be proactive about your choice: talk to others in that industry, either online or in person, or undertake work experience to ascertain what’s truly involved in any future career.
You feel ambitious
If you like the field you’re in but the job is leading you nowhere, then it could be time to make a change, and that’s OK. The fact is the average Australian will have a whopping 18 jobs in their working life averaging three years and four months in each role. For young people under 25 the time in a job is much less, averaging one year and eight months.
That means employers expect to see mobility in this workforce. But if you are making a change within your industry ensure you have the skills and reputation under your belt to attempt a successful shift. It might be worth hanging in there a couple more months to complete your apprenticeship or finalise the project that will wow prospective employers on your résumé.
You feel unskilled
The first jobs of your working life are a strange interplay of needing a job to gain experience but not having enough to land the role. Increasingly government and employers are recognising this issue, but you may have to some hard yards yourself.
This can include work experience, apprenticeships, internships or mentoring programs. The Father James Grant Foundation provides access to a number of these job pathways and you can to learn more here.
It’s also worth noting that you may be eligible for government assistance with your finances while you’re attaining skills.
You feel overwhelmed
In this day and age there is no such thing as a job for life. In fact the average worker changes careers 5-6 times experiencing 18 workplaces along the way. This prospect of almost 20 different bosses across a working life that will last you into your 70s may seem daunting. However, a fulfilling job that you enjoy in an industry that fires your passion is attainable, and throughout that journey you will acquire valuable skills, life lessons and experience.
If you feel overwhelmed, uninspired, unskilled or unsuited, the Father James Grant Foundation is here to help. Our programs are designed to unearth what you really want to do, to show you the skills required and to provide pathways to attaining your chosen career. You can contact us to make the shift into a rewarding career.
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