Upcoming SA Catholics in Business Networking Breakfast, Adelaide The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Federal Member for Sturt, SA Catholics in Business Adelaide is delighted to have The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Federal Member for Sturt South Australia as our next guest speaker. Christopher Pyne is the Minister for Education and Leader of the House ofContinue reading →
Resurgence: Book Launch for Father James Grant
Father James has written a book on the challenges surrounding the Catholic Church and Australian Society, published by Connor Court Publishing and titled: ‘Resurgence; Revitalising Western Catholicism’. The launch of the book was held on Monday 15 December 2014 at Dimattina’s Restaurant in Carlton, with Richard Alston, former Federal Government Minister and Australia High CommissionerContinue reading →
Premier Fruits – Training for Success
As part of our overall package for staff, Catholics in Business offers a suite of tools for training business’ staff in life and work skills. We recently ran workshop in team work and leadership skills at the Premier Fruits Group. Premier Fruits’ operations range from sustainable farms in Australia’s best growing regions and state- of-Continue reading →
Breakfast with Brendon Gale, CEO Richmond Football Club
Upcoming Catholics in Business Networking Breakfast Mr Brendon Gale, CEO Richmond Football Club Catholics in Business welcomes the Richmond Football Club CEO, Mr Brendon Gale, one of Australia’s most influential sports administrators and former player of the Australian Football League. The Richmond Football Club competes in Australia’s largest elite sporting competition – the AFL, andContinue reading →
Insights from Bernie Brookes
Bernie Brookes Lunch Big Success Myer’s CEO Bernie Brookes was the chief speaker at the second Catholics in Business lunch on 12th June, with Corporate leaders from across all business sectors joining us for lunch at Crown. Mr Brookes was generous in sharing of some of the tools he’s used to bring one of Australia’sContinue reading →
Success for Catholics in Business
The official launch of Catholics in Business took place on Wednesday 13th March 2013, with enthusiastic – if not surprising – support from the business community. ‘Some people said, “don’t get involved with business”, Father James Grant, Catholics in Business founder, reports. ‘But the business community has been great in answering the call to helpContinue reading →
Faith and Business
On the 12-12-12, Catholics in Business is pleased to launch our new website. Building this organisation on the rock of our faith, sowing the seed on fertile ground, we’re excited to announce our official endorsement by the Catholic Church and launch our founding chapter in Melbourne, Australia.